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A knowledge network for the cannabis industry

The kbudd knowledge network is a training platform designed to bring product information and general education to meet the needs of the Cannabis Industry. 

We Create Knowledge Experts

Join kbudd to create your own private network of experts.
Increase sales by improving the last mile of the sales journey through better point of sale conversations.
Access any retail store that is registered and instantly join after you’re approved.
Once you are approved you will have access to all brand information needed to improve your knowledge as required by your store manager.

A network made especially for brands, retailers, and budtenders

Improve point of sale product recommendations

Brands can now participate in a learning management solution capable of providing custom content designed to create better product recommendations at the point of sale.
Manage your own user groups and engage with experts from each retail client.
Turn Retail Training Into Retail Advocacy

Some People Live Your Brand Every Day.

So, who better to advocate for it?


Build brand awareness and excitement by leveraging experts’ enthusiasm for products that fuel their passions.

Increase Brand Advocacy

Become part of a knowledge network dedicated to helping you improve your associates brand knowledge and their recommendations on the products you sell.

A full 82% of consumers say knowledgeable recommendations make them very likely to actually buy the product they’re considering. So, getting that knowledge into the hands of the retail sales associates  who make those recommendations matters. A lot.